Wednesday 20 April 2011

How time flies...

As you can see it's been a little while seen I've posted but it's been a busy time. We've sold and bought a house which is a story too twisted and complicated to go into here and it has nothing to do with Plot 130a but it has taken up a considerable amount of time (and still is - needed more doing to it than we realised).

So what's happened since we last talked? I've bought a fork to replace the one that's currently in storage to aid further digging of which a little more has occurred but not a huge amount.

Due to the current time limitations I set about the plot with a red watering can and a box of Glyphosate (which I don't feel good about but I didn't want things getting more out of hand than they already were and I'm weak). Two thirds of the plot was treated and all the couch is dead (which I do feel good about) but the docks, dandelions and a large patch of nettles survived which impressed me - tenacious bastards.

On a more positive front we have two rows of peas in (Kelvedon Wonder) with more being hardened off as I type. Two and a half rows of garlic, of which the variety escapes me but I have the name written somewhere, still need to improve my organisational skills somewhat.  And about 40 onion sets just so we'll have a months worth of onions at some point.

The squashes are in the greenhouse Green Bush courgettes, Patty pan, a yellow variety of courgette and our second attempt at Butternut squashes (Hunter - the first lot just couldn't be arsed to grow which is just one of those things). Not sure if they were duff seeds, if the second lot fail I'll try a different seed company and hope to have a bit more luck.

On the plot we have found strawberry plants growing and the rhubarb is thriving. We may also have a few Raspberry bushes on there too. Sadly the one thing we have found is Bindweed. It's coming in from the plot next door which has now been taken but how we'll deal with it is yet to be determined.

Well that about covers everything for now but hopefully I'll have pictures soon (of something) and progress and talk of new beds and, who knows what...

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